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loincloth n. A strip of cloth worn around the loins. For a list of words related to loincloth, see: Trousers, Shorts, and Leggings - loincloth: simple cloth
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Loincloth. 1,512 likes · 11 talking about this. One more from the Power of the Riff show in LA. This show was an incredible end to a incredible tour with Sunn O

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27.02.2007 · Masai Warrior Romance: Why Swiss Business-Woman Married LoinCloth-Clad Masai Warrior Lover. By Faith McCoy
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loincloth: Definition from Answers.com
Simple description and pictures of the Native American breechcloth (breechclout or loincloth) and leggings.
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A writer over at CC2K claims to have gotten hold of a script for the long-in-pre-production God of War movie. Having read that script, he proceeds to tell us all